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刘晶晶,男,汉族,江西萍乡人,中共党员,教授。第九届海南省青年科技奖、2012年度海南省科技进步三等奖获得者,厦门大学理论物理专业在读博士。海南省“515”人才工程第二、第三层次人选。国际SCI期刊“Astrophysics and Space Science”, “Europhysics Letters”和“International Journal of Modern Physics A” 等特约审稿人。近年来主要从事高能天体物理和核天体物理领域的弱相互作用和核反应率与核合成研究。主持在研国家自然科学基金1项, 主持在研(完成)海南省自然科学基金2项,主持完成省教育厅、市级科研项目3项,主、参编高校教材2部。在国内外期刊共发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI收录 33篇。最新研究成果都发表在国际著名期刊(其中1篇论文被国际顶级期刊The Astrophysical Journal Supplement录用,影响因子达到11. 215。2篇论文发表在国际著名期刊Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society上,影响因子达到5.521,2篇论文发表在国际期刊Astrophysics and Space Science,影响因子达到2.263)。教育教学上,主要承担本科生理论力学、原子物理学、量子力学、固体物理学、力学、大学物理、大学物理实验、Matlab程序设计与应用、科技文献检索与写作等课程的教学与科研。
1. 国家自然科学基金项目(11565020):磁星外壳层弱相互作用过程与中微子能量损失研究(在研)
2. 海南省自然科学基金项目(114012):磁星的冷却机理与弱相互作用过程相关问题研究(在研)
3. 海南省自然科学基金项目(109004):恒星演化晚期中微子能量损失及相关问题研究(完成)
4. 海南省教育厅重点科研项目(Hj2010-42):电荷屏蔽中微子能量损失相关研究(完成)
5. 三亚市高等院校专项基金项目(YD09047):超强磁场中微子能量损失及相关问题研究(完成)
6. 三亚市高等院校专项基金项目(2011YD14): 磁星内电荷屏蔽对电子俘获及中微子能量损失的影响研究(完成)
6、论文“Effect of superstrong magnetic field on electron screening at the crusts of neutron stars”获09-10海南省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(个人奖)
1. Liu, Jing-Jing; Gu, Wei-Min., A new insight into neutrino energy loss by electron capture of iron group nuclei in magnetars surface, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 2016, 224
2. Liu Jing-Jing. An new estimate of electron capture of nuclides 55 Co and 56 Ni in magnetars., Astrophysics and Space Science. 2015, 357(1), 93
3. Liu Jing-Jing. Electron capture of iron-group nuclei in magnetars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 2014, 438(2), 930-937
4. Liu Jing-Jing. Neutrino energy spectrum and electron capture of Nuclides 56 Fe, 56 Co, 56 Ni, 56 Mn, 56 Cr and 56 V in stellar interiors , Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2014, 14(8), 971-978.
5. Liu Jing-Jing. Electron capture of strongly screening nuclides 56 Fe, 56 Co, 56 Ni, 56 Mn, 56 Cr and 56 V in pre-supernovae. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2013, 66, tmp1471L. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stt792
6. Liu Jing-Jing. The electron capture of nuclides 55 Co and 56 Ni in the process of stellar core collapse. Astrophysics and Space Science. 2013, 343(1), 117-122. DOI:10.1007/s10509-012-125 7-5
7. Liu Jing-Jing. Neutrino Energy Loss by Electron Capture on Nucleus 56 Mn, 56 Fe, 56 Co and 56 Ni in magnetar. Astrophysics and Space Science . 2013, 343(2), 579-585. DOI: 10.1007/s10509-012 -1273-5
8. Liu Jingjing. The neutrino energy loss by electron capture of nuclides 55 Co and 56 Ni in explosive stellar environments. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics . 2013, 13 (1), 99-103
9. Liu Jingjing.A new study of neutrino energy loss of nuclides 53−60Cr by electron capture in magnetars. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2013, 13 (8)945-951
10. Liu Jingjing. The Neutrino Energy Loss by Electron Capture of Nuclides 52,53,54,55,56Fe in Core-Collapse Supernova. Chinese Physics Letter. 2012,DOI: 10. 1088 /0256 -307X /29 /12 / 122301
11. Liu Jing-Jing. Gaussion modification of neutrino energy loss on strongly screening nuclide 55 Co and 56 Ni by electron capture in stellar interiors. Chinese Physics C , 2011, 35 (3): 243-247
12. Liu Jing-Jing, Effect of superstrong magnetic field on electron screening at the crusts of neutron stars Chinese Physics B , 2010, 19(9), 099601.
13. Liu Jing-Jing, Effect of superstrong magnetic field on neutrino energy loss of the nuclide 56 Fe, 56 Co, 56 Ni, 56 Mn and 56 Cr by electron capture in the crust of neutron stars. Acta Physica Sinica. 2010, 59(7):5169-5174
14. Liu Jing-Jing, Luo Zhi-quan. Gaussian Modification of Neutrino Energy Losses on Nuclide 56 Fe, 56 Co, 56 Ni and 56 Mn by Electron Capture in Stellar Interiors. Acta Astronomica Sinica , 2010, 51(2) 144-150
15. Liu Jing-Jing, Bremsstrahlung neutrino energy loss for 24 Mg, 28 Si, 32 S, 40 Ca, 56 Fe in strong electron screening. Chinese Physics C , 2010, 34 (02): 171-176.
16. Liu Jing-Jing, The Beta Decay of Nuclide 56 Fe, 56 Co, 56 Ni, 56 Mn, 56 Cr and 56 V Due to Strong Electron Screening in Stellar Interiors. Chinese Physics C , 2010, 34 (11): 1700-1703.
17. Liu Jing-Jing, Luo Zhi-quan. Gaussian Modification of Neutrino Energy Losses in Electron Capture processes of Nuclides 56 Fe, 56 Co, 56 Ni and 56 Mn in Stellar Interiors. Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics , 2010, 34 (4) 386-393
18. Liu Jing-Jing, Plasma neutrino energy loss due to the axial-vector current at the late stages of stellar evolution, Chinese Physics C , 2009, 33(10), 834-837.
19. Liu Jing-Jing,The competition of neutrino energy loss due to the pair, photo-, plasma process at the late of stellar evolution. C hinese physics C ,2009, 33(1), 15-19
20. Liu Jing-Jing and Luo Zhiquan,Effect of Strong Magnetic Field on Gamow-Teller Transition Electron Capture of Iron Group Nuclei at the Crusts of Neutron Stars, Communications in Theoretical Physics , 2008, 49(1), 239-242.