
06.05.2021  12:36


  “Innovation is the primary driving force behind development, and protecting IPR is equal to protecting innovation”. The Intellectual Property Court of Hainan Free Trade Po Hainan Free Trade Port Intellectual Property Courtrt attaches great importance to the IPR needs of rights holders such as exhibitors, purchasers and others, and at the exhibition venue, has set up service windows to provide legal advice on intellectual property rights and a full range of judicial services to contribute to the success of the Expo. In addition, we have also sorted out the problems and issues that companies may encounter in the process of dealing with intellectual property disputes, and give warm reminders to the exhibition companies from the perspective of judicial practice, in a hope to play a certain guiding role for enterprises to effectively protect intellectual property rights and avoid infringement disputes.

  1. 建议您在参展前先确保自己在中华人民共和国拥有合法有效的且已经注册的知识产权,对于自己展出的新产品要及时申请专利、商标等知识产权。同时,应当注重知识产权检索,通过检索等方式来确保自己拥有的知识产权没有侵害他人在先的商标权、专利权等知识产权。

  1. Before participating in the Expo, you are recommended to ensure that you have legal, valid and registered intellectual property rights in the People's Republic of China, and apply for patents, trademarks and other intellectual property rights in time for new products you exhibit. In further, you should pay attention to intellectual poverty search and use it or other methods to ensure that the intellectual property owned does not infringe other's prior trademark rights, patent rights and other intellectual property rights.

  2. 为避免在国际展会上遇到知识产权纠纷,建议您充分了解和熟悉中华人民共和国知识产权保护的法律体系和知识产权的执法机构、执法程序,尽可能降低知识产权纠纷、减少损失。

  2. In order to avoid intellectual property disputes at international exhibitions, you are recommended to fully understand and familiarize yourself with the legal system of the People's Republic of China on intellectual property protection, and the relevant law enforcement agencies and procedures, so as to minimize intellectual property disputes and losses.

  3. 如果您的企业准备对外出口产品或服务,建议您注意产品、服务与商标“齐步前进”,即“产品走到哪,商标也到哪”,避免在境外遭遇商标被抢注的风险。

  3. If your company intends to export products or services, you are recommended to showcase products, services and trademarks together, that is, “products being showcased together with corresponding trademarks”, to avoid the risk of trademark squatting abroad.

  4. 商标在中华人民共和国政府主办的或者承认的国际展会展出的商品上首次使用的,自该商品展出之日起六个月内,该商标的注册申请人可以享有优先权。依照前款要求优先权的,您需要在提出商标注册申请的时候提出书面声明,并且在三个月内提交展出其商品的展览会名称、在展出商品上使用该商标的证据、展出日期等证明文件。

  4. Where a trademark is used for the first time on the goods displayed at an international exhibition sponsored or acknowledged by the Chinese Government, the user as an applicant for registration of the trademark may enjoy priority within six months from the date of display of the goods. The applicant requesting for the right of priority in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall file a written declaration when filing the application for trademark registration, and shall submit the name of the exhibition in which its commodities are displayed, the evidence proving that the said trademark is used on the displayed commodities, the date of exhibition and other certification documents.

  5. 建议您对自己的发明创造及时申请专利或作为商业秘密予以妥善保护,避免被他人捷足先登。如果您的发明创造不符合专利性要求,但具有秘密性的,您可以采取保密措施,将之作为商业秘密予以保护。商业秘密没有保护期限,但是法律对商业秘密的保护强度要弱于专利,您可以根据自身需求和实际情况做好策略选择。

  5. You are recommended to apply for a patent in time for your invention or creation as a trade secret and properly protect it against early access by others. If your invention or creation which does not meet the requirements of patentability is confidential, you can take confidentiality measures to protect it as a trade secret. There is no protection period specified for trade secrets, but the protection provided by laws for trade secrets is weaker than that for patents, you can make a strategic choice according to your own needs and actual conditions.

  6. 如果您在展会中准备通过受让、许可等方式取得知识产权,请务必注意审查转让人、许可人的权属证明文件,以防转让人或许可人并不是真正的权利人,或者权利已过期。

  6. If you plan to obtain intellectual property rights in the exhibition through transfer, licensing, etc., please be sure to review the ownership certification documents of the transferor and licensor against the transferor or licensor not being the real right holder or the right being expired.

  7. 采购商对所购货物之上是否附有他人的知识产权难以做到全部心中有数,建议您保留购货合同、票据、汇款单等证明货物合法来源的证据,而且应尽量要求对方在出具发票、送货单时注明产品型号等信息。一旦将来被权利人起诉,您才有办法从合法来源的角度进行抗辩,以避免损失。

  7. It is difficult for the purchaser to fully know whether the purchased goods are accompanied by other’s intellectual property rights. You are recommended to keep the evidence proving the legal source of the goods, including the purchase contract, bills, remittance and others, and you should request the other party to indicate the product model and other information when invoices and delivery notes are issued. Once you are sued by the right holder in the future, you will have a way to defend yourself to avoid losses by providing such legal sources.

  8. 企业在展会宣传过程中,建议您注意企业网站、展台设计、广告宣传册、宣传标语等宣传材料中使用的图片是否得到了著作权人的授权,尽量避免因使用在网络中搜索获得且并未付费的图片而陷入版权纠纷,或者与广告公司在服务合同中明确约定此类版权纠纷的责任归属,便于向广告公司追偿。

  8. During promotion at the Expo, you are recommended to notice whether the pictures used in the promotional materials, including corporate website, booth design, advertising brochures, promotional slogans, have been authorized by the copyright owner, and try to avoid getting involved in copyright disputes due to the use of pictures that are sourced from the Internet without payment, or in order to facilitate the claiming of compensation from advertising company, clearly stipulate the responsibility of such copyright disputes in the service contract with the advertising company.

  9. 在参展中如发现自己的产品被侵权,可以通过拍照、索取产品宣传册或购买等方式先行固定侵权线索, 及时通过公证保全、诉前证据保全等方式及时固定侵权证据。发现竞争对手涉嫌构成虚假宣传、商业诋毁等不正当竞争行为的,可采取沟通协商、发警告函、向展会知识产权投诉机构投诉以及向人民法院申请诉前行为禁令等方式先行停止侵权及不正当竞争行为。

  9. If you find that your product has been infringed during the exhibition, you can pinpoint the infringement clues in advance by taking photos, requesting product brochures or purchasing, and timely fix the evidence of infringement by notary preservation and pretrial evidence preservation. If a competitor is found to be involved in unfair competition such as false propaganda, commercial slander, etc., and you can stop such infringement and unfair competition by means of communication and negotiation, issuing warning letters, complaining to the intellectual property complaint agency of the Expo, or applying to the people's court for a pre-trial injunction.


  The Intellectual Property Court of Hainan Free Trade Port, established on December 31, 2020, is a specialized intellectual property court of Hainan Province.


  The Intellectual Property Court of Hainan Free Trade Port will have jurisdiction over the following cases:


  (I) First-instance intellectual property civil and administrative cases in Hainan Province involving patents, trade secrets, computer software, new plant varieties, integrated circuit layout designs, identification of well-known trademarks and monopoly disputes, etc.;


  (II) First-instance civil, administrative, and criminal cases of intellectual property rights under the jurisdiction of the Intermediate People’s Court of Hainan Province other than the provisions of the preceding paragraph;


  (III) Cases of appeals and protests of civil, administrative and criminal judgments and rulings on intellectual property by the Hainan Provincial Basic People’s Court;


  (IV) Other cases under its jurisdiction as determined by the Supreme People’s Court.


  Court address: No. 8 Changyi Road, Haikou City, Hainan Province



  Contact: Duan Fei

  Tel: 0898-68683719 (8:00-20:00)


  We will provide you with a full range of intellectual property judicial services:

  1. 现场办公。法院在消博会现场设立司法服务联络点,在展会现场为参展商和采购商提供知识产权纠纷的“一站式”司法服务。法院展会司法服务联络点位置:国际会展中心登录大厅;

  1. On-site office. The court set up a judicial service contact point at the Expo site to provide exhibitors and purchasers with “one-stop” judicial services for intellectual property disputes. Location of the judicial service contact point: the login hall of the International Convention and Exhibition Center;

  2. 法院微信公众号。您可以通过“海南自由贸易港知识产权法院”微信公众号了解及获取相关知识产权保护信息;

  2. WeChat public account of the court. You can learn about and obtain relevant intellectual property protection information through the WeChat public account of the “Intellectual Property Court of Hainan Free Trade PortHainan Free Trade Port Intellectual Property Court”;

  3. 海南移动微法院。您可以通过微信小程序搜索“海南移动微法院”,进行网上立案、跨域立案、诉讼交费、法院导航等特色服务;

  3. Hainan Mobile Mini Court. You can search for “Hainan Mobile Mini Court” through the WeChat Mini Program to conduct online case filing, cross-domain filing, litigation payment, court navigation and other special services;

  4. 涉外民商事在线纠纷多元化解平台。该平台具有在线咨询、调解、诉讼等服务功能,通过递进式、漏斗型的矛盾纠纷分层过滤化解模式,为您提供“一站式”解决纠纷。该平台网址:https://hnodr.odrcloud.cn/;

  4. A diversified platform for online resolution of foreign-related civil and commercial disputes. The platform provides such services as online consultation, mediation, and litigation, and offers you a “one-stop” solution to disputes through a progressive, funnel-shaped hierarchical filtering and resolution of conflicts and disputes. Website: https://hnodr.odrcloud.cn/;

  5. 投资者司法服务绿色通道。这是我们为投资者打造的“一站式”司法征信服务平台,投资者登录该平台,可以用中英文查自然人、企业、法定代表人的司法征信信息,帮助中外投资者在第一时间了解合作对象的信用背景。绿色通道网址:https://fyc.gov.cn/。

  5. A green channel for investor judicial services. This is a “one-stop” judicial credit service platform we created for investors. Investors can log in to the platform to check the judicial credit information of natural persons, enterprises, and legal representatives, in both Chinese and English, helping Chinese and foreign investors to know the credit background of the partner immediately. Website: https://fyc.gov.cn/.


  Attachment: List of the main laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China on intellectual property


  Main copyright laws and regulations:


  Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China


  Implementation Regulations for the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China


  Collective Management of Copyright Regulations


  Provisions on the Implementation of the International Copyright Treaties


  Main laws and regulations on trademark right:


  Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China


  Implementing Regulations of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China


  Provisions on the Management of Trademarks in Foreign Trade


  Main laws and regulations on patent right:


  Patent Law of the People's Republic of China


  Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China


  Main laws and regulations on the exclusive right to geographical indications:


  Provisions on the Protection of Geographical Indication Products


  Measures for the Administration of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products


  Measures for the Administration of Special Signs of Geographical Indication Products


  Main laws and regulations on the trade secret right:


  Anti-unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China


  Certain Regulations on Prohibiting Unfair Competition Activity concerning Imitating Specific Names, Packaging or Decoration of Well-known Commodities
